Edenlife Communities

Edenlife is meeting the needs of active over 50s Western Australians. As the Australian population is ageing, the life-expectancy is also rising, and this growth needs to be matched with an upsurge in housing opportunities. Edenlife forms part of the solution to the challenge of providing affordable living for seniors.

Not only does Edenlife meet the current needs of the Western Australian market, it also has a significant point of difference to others. Edenlife is the first community of its kind to have no exit fees, allowing residents to retain more of their worth. Affordable homes, and land lease, allow seniors to release the equity from their home and see a lifestyle change.

Edenlife is the first step in Lester Group’s integrated retirement and aged care portfolio.

View the Edenlife website. 

Edenlife Communities

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The Lester Group has been sustainably growing the wealth of its investors since 1995. They are known for being diligent, disciplined and responsible for the consistent delivery of value with an objective of maximising returns for investors.